ottermatics package


ottermatics.analysis module

class ottermatics.analysis.Analysis(*, name: str = 'default', system: System, table_reporters: list = _Nothing.NOTHING, plot_reporters: list = _Nothing.NOTHING, stored_plots: dict = _Nothing.NOTHING, show_plots: bool = True)

Bases: TabulationMixin, PlottingMixin

Analysis takes a system and many reporters, runs the system, adds its own system properties to the dataframe and post processes the results

post_process() typically creates plots, but can be overriden

plot_reporters: list
post_process(*args, **kwargs)

A user customizeable function

run(*args, **kwargs)
show_plots: bool
system: System
table_reporters: list
property uploaded

ottermatics.common module

A set of common values and functions that are globaly available.

class ottermatics.common.OtterLog(name='')

Bases: LoggingMixin

ottermatics.common.chunks(lst, n)

Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.

ottermatics.common.get_size(obj, seen=None)

Recursively finds size of objects

class ottermatics.common.inst_vectorize(pyfunc, otypes=None, doc=None, excluded=None, cache=False, signature=None)

Bases: vectorize


Check if an instance is running on AWS.

ottermatics.components module

class ottermatics.components.Component(*, name: str = 'default')

Bases: TabulationMixin

Component is an Evaluatable configuration with tabulation and reporting functionality

classmethod subclasses(out=None)

return all subclasses of components, including their subclasses :param out: out is to pass when the middle of a recursive operation, do not use it!


override with custom system interaction

ottermatics.component_collections module

define a collection of components that will propigate to its parents dataframe

When wide is set each component’s references are reported to the system’s table, otherwise only one component’s references are reported, however the system will iterate over the components by calling system.iterable_components

Define a Iterable Component slot in a system by calling SLOT.define_iterable(…,wide=True/False)

Types: 1. ComponentList, ordered by index 2. ComponentDict, ordered by key 3. ComponentGraph, ?#TODO:

class ottermatics.component_collections.ComponentDict(*, name: str = 'default', current_item: iter_tkn = _Nothing.NOTHING, component_type: type)

Bases: ComponentIter, UserDict

Stores components by name, and allows tabulation of them

component_type: type
class ottermatics.component_collections.ComponentIter(*, name: str = 'default', current_item: iter_tkn = _Nothing.NOTHING)

Bases: Component

Iterable components are designed to evaluate a large selection of components either one-by-one or all at once at the system level depending on if wide property is set.


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call

property current

returns all data in wide format and the active key in _current_item

current_item: iter_tkn
data: iter
property internal_references

lists the this_name.comp_key.<attr/prop key>: Ref format to override data_dict

wide: bool = True
class ottermatics.component_collections.ComponentIterator(*, name: str = 'default', current_item: iter_tkn = _Nothing.NOTHING, component_type: type)

Bases: ComponentIter, UserList

Stores components by name, and allows tabulation of them

component_type: type
ottermatics.component_collections.check_comp_type(instance, attr, value)

ensures the input component type is a Component

class ottermatics.component_collections.iter_tkn

Bases: object

ambigious type to keep track of iterable position form system reference

ottermatics.configuration module

class ottermatics.configuration.ConfigLog(name='')

Bases: LoggingMixin

class ottermatics.configuration.Configuration(*, name: str = 'default')

Bases: LoggingMixin

Configuration is a pattern for storing attributes that might change frequently, and proivdes the core functionality for a host of different applications.

Configuration is able to go through itself and its objects and map all included Configurations, just to a specific level.

Common functionality includes an __on_init__ wrapper for attrs post-init method

property as_dict
property attrs_fields: set
property classname

Shorthand for the classname


a context manager that will allow you to dynamically change any information, then will change it back in a fail safe way.

with self.difference(name=’new_name’, value = new_value) as new_config:

#do stuff with config, ok to fail

you may not access any “private” variable that starts with an _ as in _whatever

difference is useful for saving slight differences in configuration in conjunction with solve you might create wrappers for evaluate, or implement a strategy pattern.

only attributes may be changed.

#TODO: allow recursive operation with sub comps or systems. #TODO: make a full system copy so the system can be reverted later

property displayname
property filename

A nice to have, good to override

go_through_configurations(level=0, levels_to_descend=-1, parent_level=0)

A generator that will go through all internal configurations up to a certain level if levels_to_descend is less than 0 ie(-1) it will go down, if it 0, None, or False it will only go through this configuration



property identity

A customizeable property that will be in the log by default

property input_as_dict
classmethod input_attrs()
classmethod input_fields()
property internal_configurations

go through all attributes determining which are configuration objects we skip any configuration that start with an underscore (private variable)

log_fmt = '[%(name)-24s]%(message)s'
log_silo = True
name: str
property numeric_as_dict
classmethod numeric_fields()
property numeric_hash
classmethod plot_attributes() Dict[str, Attribute]

Lists all plot attributes for class

classmethod pre_compile()
classmethod signals_attributes() Dict[str, Attribute]

Lists all signals attributes for class

classmethod slots_attributes() Dict[str, Attribute]

Lists all slots attributes for class

classmethod solvers_attributes() Dict[str, Attribute]

Lists all signals attributes for class

classmethod table_fields()
classmethod trace_attributes() Dict[str, Attribute]

Lists all trace attributes for class

classmethod transients_attributes() Dict[str, Attribute]

Lists all signals attributes for class

property unique_hash
classmethod validate_class()

A customizeable validator at the end of class creation in otterize

ottermatics.configuration.comp_transform(c, f)
ottermatics.configuration.meta(title, desc=None, **kwargs)

a convienience wrapper to add metadata to attr.ib :param title: a title that gets formatted for column headers :param desc: a description of the property

ottermatics.configuration.otterize(cls=None, **kwargs)

Wrap all Configurations with this decorator with the following behavior 1) we use the callback when any property changes 2) repr is default 3) hash is by object identity

ottermatics.configuration.property_changed(instance, variable, value)
ottermatics.configuration.signals_slots_handler(cls, fields, slots=True, signals=True, solvers=True, sys=True, plots=True)

creates attributes as per the attrs.define field_transformer use case.

Customize initalization with slots,signals,solvers and sys flags. module

class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: LoggingMixin

A database singleton that is thread safe and pickleable (serializable) to get the active instance use DBConnection.instance(**non_default_connection_args)

Session = None

A boilerplate configure method

connect_args = {'connect_timeout': 5}
connection_string = None
dbname = None
echo = False
engine = None

Check if database exists, if not create it and tables

host = None
property identity
max_overflow = 0
passd = None
pool_size = 20
port = 5432

Rebuild database on confirmation, create the database if nessicary

scopefunc = None
session_factory = None

Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations.

user = None
class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: LoggingMixin

A singleton object with safe methods for file access, Aims to prevent large number of file pointers open

These should be subclassed for each cache location you want

alt_path = None
property cache

alias of Cache

cache_init_kwargs = None
property cache_root
property current_keys

wrapper for diskcache expire method that only permits expiration on a certain interval :return: bool, True if expired called

expire_threshold = 60.0
get(key=None, on_missing=None, retry=True, ttl=None)

Helper method to get an item, return None it doesn’t exist and warn. :param on_missing: a callback to use if the data is missing, which will set the data at the key, and return it

property identity
last_expire = None
retries = 3
set(key=None, data=None, retry=True, ttl=None, **kwargs)

Passes default arguments to set the key:data relationship :param expire: time in seconds to expire the data

size_limit = 10000000000.0
sleep_time = 0.1
timeout = 1.0

ottermatics.datastores.gdocs module

ottermatics.eng.geometry module

ottermatics.locations module

ottermatics.locations.client_path(alternate_path=None, **kw)

ottermatics.logging module

class ottermatics.logging.Log(name='')

Bases: LoggingMixin

class ottermatics.logging.LoggingMixin(name='')

Bases: Filter

Class to include easy formatting in subclasses


Overwrite this to modify logging fields

change_all_log_lvl(*a, **kw)

A routine to communicate to the root of the server network that there is an issue


Writes at a low level to the log file… usually this should be detailed messages about what exactly is going on

error(error, msg='')

Writes to log as a error


This acts as the interface for logging.Filter Don’t overwrite this, use add_fields instead.

property identity

Writes to log but with info category, these are important typically and inform about progress of process in general


We only want std logging to start

log_fmt = '[%(name)-24s]%(message)s'
log_level = 20
log_on = True
property logger
message_with_identiy(message: str, color=None)

converts to color and string via the termcolor library :param message: a string convertable entity :param color: a color in [grey,red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan,white]


Writes to log… this should be for raw data or something… least priorty


reset log


resets log on all internal instance LoggingMixins

slack_notification(category, message)
slack_webhook_url = <ottermatics.env_var.EnvVariable object>

Writes to log as a warning

ottermatics.logging.change_all_log_levels(new_log_level: int, check_function=None)

Changes All Log Levels With pyee broadcast before reactor is running :param new_log_level: int - changes unit level log level (10-msg,20-debug,30-info,40-warning,50-error,60-crit) :param check_function: callable -> bool - (optional) if provided if check_function(unit) is true then the new_log_level is applied

ottermatics.patterns module

class ottermatics.patterns.InputSingletonMeta

Bases: type

Metaclass for singletons. Any instantiation of a Singleton class yields the exact same object, for the same given input, e.g.:

>>> class MyClass(metaclass=Singleton):
>>> a = MyClass(input='same')
>>> b = MyClass(input='diff')
>>> a is b
class ottermatics.patterns.Singleton(decorated)

Bases: object

A non-thread-safe helper class to ease implementing singletons. This should be used as a decorator – not a metaclass – to the class that should be a singleton.

The decorated class can define one __init__ function that takes only the self argument. Also, the decorated class cannot be inherited from. Other than that, there are no restrictions that apply to the decorated class.

To get the singleton instance, use the instance method. Trying to use __call__ will result in a TypeError being raised.

instance(*args, **kwargs)

Returns the singleton instance. Upon its first call, it creates a new instance of the decorated class and calls its __init__ method. On all subsequent calls, the already created instance is returned.

class ottermatics.patterns.SingletonMeta

Bases: type

Metaclass for singletons. Any instantiation of a Singleton class yields the exact same object, e.g.:

>>> class MyClass(metaclass=Singleton):
>>> a = MyClass()
>>> b = MyClass()
>>> a is b
ottermatics.patterns.chunks(lst, n)

Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.

class ottermatics.patterns.inst_vectorize(pyfunc, otypes=None, doc=None, excluded=None, cache=False, signature=None)

Bases: vectorize


Class decorator that transforms (and replaces) a class definition (which must have a Singleton metaclass) with the actual singleton object. Ensures that the resulting object can still be “instantiated” (i.e., called), returning the same object. Also ensures the object can be pickled, is hashable, and has the correct string representation (the name of the singleton)

ottermatics.eng.pipes module

We’ll use the QP formulation to develop a fluid analysis system for fluids start with single phase and move to others

  1. Pumps Power = C x Q x P

  2. Compressor = C x (QP) x (PR^C2 - 1)

  3. Pipes = dP = C x fXL/D x V^2 / 2g

  4. Pipe Fittings / Valves = dP = C x V^2 (fXL/D +K) | K is a constant, for valves it can be interpolated between closed and opened

  5. Splitters & Joins: Handle fluid mixing

  6. Phase Separation (This one is gonna be hard)

  7. Heat Exchanger dP = f(V,T) - phase change issues

  8. Filtration dP = k x Vxc x (Afrontal/Asurface) “linear”

class ottermatics.eng.pipes.FlowInput(*, name: str = 'default', x: float, y: float, z: float, flow_in: float = 0.0)

Bases: FlowNode

flow_in: float

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

class ottermatics.eng.pipes.FlowNode(*, name: str = 'default', x: float, y: float, z: float)

Bases: PipeNode

Base For Boundary Condition Nodes of


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

x: float
y: float
z: float
class ottermatics.eng.pipes.Pipe(*, name: str = 'default', node_s: SLOT_82bdb7285a554bb5 | None = None, node_e: SLOT_94b4b9c75d33492e | None = None, material: SLOT_bf94bf5c57f14071 = _Nothing.NOTHING, D: float, v: float = 0, roughness: float = 0.0, bend_radius: float | None = None)

Bases: PipeFlow, Component


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

bend_radius: float

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

laminar_method = 'Schmidt laminar'
roughness: float

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

straight_method = 'Clamond'
turbulent_method = 'Schmidt turbulent'
class ottermatics.eng.pipes.PipeFitting(*, name: str = 'default', x: float, y: float, z: float, material: SLOT_bf94bf5c57f14071 = _Nothing.NOTHING, D: float, v: float = 0, Kfitting: float = 0.1)

Bases: FlowNode, PipeFlow


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

name: str
x: float
y: float
z: float
class ottermatics.eng.pipes.PipeFlow(*, name: str = 'default', material: SLOT_bf94bf5c57f14071 = _Nothing.NOTHING, D: float, v: float = 0)

Bases: Component


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

D: float
property Fvec

returns the fluidized vector for 1D CFD for continuity:0, and momentum:1


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

property dP_f

The loss of pressure in the pipe due to pressure

property dP_p

The loss of pressure in the pipe due to potential

property dP_tot

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

v: float

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

class ottermatics.eng.pipes.PipeLog(name='')

Bases: LoggingMixin

class ottermatics.eng.pipes.PipeNode(*, name: str = 'default', x: float, y: float, z: float)

Bases: Component

add_segment(pipe: PipeFlow)
property segments

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

x: float
y: float
z: float
class ottermatics.eng.pipes.PipeSystem(*, name: str = 'default', in_node: SLOT_8a52401f9a844ecd = _Nothing.NOTHING)

Bases: System


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call

add_to_graph(graph, node_or_pipe) str

recursively add node or pipe elements

create_graph_from_pipe_or_node(node_or_pipe) Graph

Creates a networkx graph from a pipe or node

graph: Graph
items: dict
property nodes
property pipes
class ottermatics.eng.pipes.Pump(*, name: str = 'default', max_flow: float, max_pressure: float)

Bases: Component

Simulates a pump with power input, max flow, and max pressure by assuming a flow characteristic


The pressure the pump generates

property design_flow_curve

a tuple output of flow vector, and pressure vector

max_flow: float
max_pressure: float

The power used considering in watts

ottermatics.plotting module

This module defines PLOT and TRACE methods that allow the plotting of Statistical & Transient relationships of data in each system

class ottermatics.plotting.PLOT(name, default, validator, repr, cmp, hash, init, inherited, metadata=None, type=None, converter=None, kw_only=False, eq=None, eq_key=None, order=None, order_key=None, on_setattr=None, alias=None)


Plot is a conveinence method

col: str
classmethod define(x, y, _type='relplot', kind='scatterplot', row=None, col=None, hue=None, **kwargs)

Defines a plot that will be rendered in seaborn, with validation happening as much as possible in the define method

#Plot Choice :param _type: the type of seaborn plot (relplot,displot,catplot) :param kind: specify the kind of type of plot (ie. scatterplot of relplot)

# Dependents & Independents: :param x: the x parameter for each plot :param y: the y parameter for each plot

# Additional Parameters: :param row: create a grid of data with row parameter :param col: create a grid of data with column parameter :param hue: provide an additional dimension of color based on this parameter :param title: this title will be applied to the figure.suptitle()

hue: str
kind: str
name: str
plot_args: dict
plot_func: None
classmethod plot_parms() dict

gathers seaborn plot parms that will scope from system.dataframe

row: str
std_fields: tuple = ('x', 'y', 'col', 'hue', 'row')
type: str
type_parm_options = {'catplot': (), 'displot': (), 'relplot': ('style', 'shape')}
types: tuple = ('displot', 'relplot', 'catplot')
x: str
y: str
class ottermatics.plotting.PLOT_ATTR(name, default, validator, repr, cmp, hash, init, inherited, metadata=None, type=None, converter=None, kw_only=False, eq=None, eq_key=None, order=None, order_key=None, on_setattr=None, alias=None)

Bases: Attribute

base class for plot attributes

cls_parms = {'x', 'y'}
classmethod configure_for_system(name, system)

add the system class, and check the dependent and independent values

classmethod create_instance(system: System) PlotInstance
kind: str
classmethod make_plot_factory()
name: str
on_system: System
classmethod plot_extra()
classmethod plot_parms() dict

gathers seaborn plot parms that will scope from system.dataframe

title: str = None
classmethod validate_plot_args(system: System)

Checks system.system_references that cls.plot_parms exists

class ottermatics.plotting.PlotInstance(system: System, plot_cls: PLOT)

Bases: object

combine plotclass parms with system info

property identity: str

applies the system dataframe to the plot

plot_cls: PLOT
process_fig(fig, title)
refs = None
system: System
class ottermatics.plotting.PlotLog(name='')

Bases: LoggingMixin

class ottermatics.plotting.PlottingMixin

Bases: object

Inherited by Systems and Analyses to provide common interface for plotting

make_plots(analysis: Analysis = None, store_figures: bool = True, pre=None)

makes plots and traces of all on this instance, and if a system is subsystems. Analysis should call make plots however it can be called on a system as well :param analysis: the analysis that has triggered this plot :param store_figure: a boolean or dict, if neither a dictionary will be created and returend from this function :returns: the dictionary from store_figures logic


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call

property stored_plots

A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call

class ottermatics.plotting.TRACE(name, default, validator, repr, cmp, hash, init, inherited, metadata=None, type=None, converter=None, kw_only=False, eq=None, eq_key=None, order=None, order_key=None, on_setattr=None, alias=None)


trace is a plot for transients, with y and y2 axes which can have multiple parameters each

all_options = ('xlabel', 'ylabel', 'y2label', 'title', 'xticks', 'yticks', 'alpha')
always = ('x', 'y', 'y2')
classmethod create_instance(system: System) TraceInstance
classmethod define(x='time', y: str | list | None = None, y2=None, kind='line', **kwargs)

Defines a plot that will be matplotlib, with validation happening as much as possible in the define method

#Plot Choice :param kind: specify the kind of type of plot scatter or line, with the default being line

# Dependents & Independents: :param x: the x parameter for each plot, by default ‘time’ :param y: the y parameter for each plot, required :param y2: the y2 parameter for each plot, optional

# Additional Parameters: :param title: this title will be applied to the figure.suptitle() :param xlabel: the x label, by default the capitalized parameter :param ylabel: the x label, by default the capitalized parameter :param y2label: the x label, by default the capitalized parameter

extra_args: dict
name: str
plot_args: dict
classmethod plot_parms() set

gathers seaborn plot parms that will scope from system.dataframe

type_options = {'line': ('linewidth',), 'scatter': ('vmax', 'vmin', 'marker', 'alpha', 'cmap')}
type_parm_options = {'line': ('color', 'marker', 'linestyle'), 'scatter': ('size', 'color')}
types = ['scatter', 'line']
classmethod valid_non_parms(type) set
classmethod valid_parms_options(type) set
x: str
y: str | list
y2: str | list
class ottermatics.plotting.TraceInstance(system: System, plot_cls: PLOT)

Bases: PlotInstance

plot_cls: PLOT
classmethod plot_extra() dict
system: System
ottermatics.plotting.install_seaborn(rc_override=None, **kwargs)

ottermatics.process module

ottermatics.reporting module

The set of reporters define an interface to report plots or tables

class ottermatics.reporting.CSVReporter(path: str | None = None, report_mode: str = 'single', name: str = 'CSV')

Bases: TableReporter, DiskReporterMixin

name: str
upload(analysis: Analysis)
class ottermatics.reporting.DiskPlotReporter(path: str | None = None, report_mode: str = 'single', name: str = 'SQL')

Bases: PlotReporter, DiskReporterMixin

name: str
class ottermatics.reporting.DiskReporterMixin(name: str = 'reporter', path: str | None = None, report_mode: str = 'single')

Bases: TemporalReporterMixin

path: str
property report_root

define your keys!

class ottermatics.reporting.ExcelReporter(path: str | None = None, report_mode: str = 'single', name: str = 'EXCEL')

Bases: TableReporter, DiskReporterMixin

name: str
class ottermatics.reporting.GdriveReporter(name: str = 'Gdrive', share_drive: str | None = None)

Bases: PlotReporter, TemporalReporterMixin

name: str
share_drive: str
class ottermatics.reporting.GsheetsReporter(name: str = 'GSHEETS')

Bases: TableReporter, TemporalReporterMixin

name: str
class ottermatics.reporting.PlotReporter(name: str = 'plot_reporter')

Bases: Reporter

A reporter to upload plots to a file store

ext = 'png'
name: str
class ottermatics.reporting.Reporter(name: str = 'reporter')

Bases: LoggingMixin

A mixin intended


a test to see if the reporter should be used

name: str
classmethod subclasses(out=None)

get all reporters of this type

upload(analysis: Analysis)
class ottermatics.reporting.TableReporter(name: str = 'table_reporter')

Bases: Reporter

A reporter to upload dataframes to a table store

name: str
class ottermatics.reporting.TemporalReporterMixin(name: str = 'reporter')

Bases: Reporter

Provide single or periodic keys

property date_key
property month_key
property report_root

define your keys!

ottermatics.reporting.path_exist_validator(inst, attr, value)

ottermatics.env_var module

Defines a class called EnvVariable that defines an interface for env variables with an option to obscure and convert variables, as well as provide a default option.

A global record of variables is kept for informational purposes in keeping track of progam variables

To prevent storage of env vars in program memory, access to the os env variables is provided on access of the secret variable. It is advisable to use the result of this as directly as possible when dealing with actual secrets.

For example add: `db_driver(DB_HOST.secret,DB_PASSWORD.secret,…)

class ottermatics.env_var.EnvVariable(secret_var_name, type_conv=None, default=None, obscure=False, fail_on_missing=False, desc: str | None = None)

Bases: LoggingMixin

A method to wrap SECRETS and in application with a way to get the value using self.secret Do not store values from self.secret to ensure security

You can override the secret with _override

default: Any = None
desc: str = None
fail_on_missing: bool
property in_env
classmethod load_env_vars()
obscure: bool = True
property obscured_name: str
classmethod print_env_vars()

prints env vars in memory


removes this secret from the record

property secret
type_conv: Any = None
var_name: str = None

ottermatics.eng.solid_materials module

class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.ANSI_4130(*, name: str = 'steel 4130', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 7872.0, elastic_modulus: float = 205000000000.0, yield_strength: float = 460000000.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 560000000.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.28, melting_point: float = 1705, maxium_service_temp: float = 1143, thermal_conductivity: float = 42.7, specific_heat: float = 477, thermal_expansion: float = 1.12e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 2.23e-07, cost_per_kg: float = 2.92)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.ANSI_4340(*, name: str = 'steel 4340', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 7872.0, elastic_modulus: float = 192000000000.0, yield_strength: float = 470000000.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 745000000.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.28, melting_point: float = 1700, maxium_service_temp: float = 1103, thermal_conductivity: float = 44.5, specific_heat: float = 475, thermal_expansion: float = 1.37e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 2.48e-07, cost_per_kg: float = 2.23)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.Aluminum(*, name: str = 'aluminum generic', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 2680.0, elastic_modulus: float = 70300000000.0, yield_strength: float = 240000000.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 290000000.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.33, melting_point: float = 880, maxium_service_temp: float = 616, thermal_conductivity: float = 138, specific_heat: float = 880, thermal_expansion: float = 2.21e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 4.99e-07, cost_per_kg: float = 1.9)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.CarbonFiber(*, name: str = 'carbon fiber', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 1600.0, elastic_modulus: float = 140000000000.0, yield_strength: float = 686000000.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 919000000.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.33, melting_point: float = 573, maxium_service_temp: float = 423, thermal_conductivity: float = 250, specific_heat: float = 1100, thermal_expansion: float = 1.41e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 10000, cost_per_kg: float = 1.9)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.Concrete(*, name: str = 'concrete', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 2000.0, elastic_modulus: float = 2920000000.0, yield_strength: float = 57900000.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 910000.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.26, melting_point: float = 3273, maxium_service_temp: float = 3273, thermal_conductivity: float = 0.5, specific_heat: float = 736, thermal_expansion: float = 1.641e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 1000000.0, cost_per_kg: float = 0.09544)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.DrySoil(*, name: str = 'dry soil', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 1600.0, elastic_modulus: float = 70300000000.0, yield_strength: float = 0.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 0.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.33, melting_point: float = 1823, maxium_service_temp: float = 1723, thermal_conductivity: float = 0.25, specific_heat: float = 800, thermal_expansion: float = 1.641e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 1000000.0, cost_per_kg: float = 0.04478)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.Rock(*, name: str = 'wet soil', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 2600.0, elastic_modulus: float = 67000000000.0, yield_strength: float = 13000000.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 13000000.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.26, melting_point: float = 3000, maxium_service_temp: float = 3000, thermal_conductivity: float = 1.0, specific_heat: float = 2000, thermal_expansion: float = 1.641e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 1000000.0, cost_per_kg: float = 0.09544)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.Rubber(*, name: str = 'rubber', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 1100.0, elastic_modulus: float = 100000000.0, yield_strength: float = 248000.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 500000.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.33, melting_point: float = 873, maxium_service_temp: float = 573, thermal_conductivity: float = 0.108, specific_heat: float = 2005, thermal_expansion: float = 0.0001, electrical_resistitivity: float = 10000000000000.0, cost_per_kg: float = 0.04)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.SS_316(*, name: str = 'stainless steel 316', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 8000.0, elastic_modulus: float = 193000000000.0, yield_strength: float = 240000000.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 550000000.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.3, melting_point: float = 1643, maxium_service_temp: float = 1143, thermal_conductivity: float = 16.3, specific_heat: float = 500, thermal_expansion: float = 1.6e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 7.4e-07, cost_per_kg: float = 3.26)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.SolidMaterial(*, name: str = 'solid material', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, density: float = 1.0, elastic_modulus: float = 100000000.0, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, yield_strength: float = 1000000.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 2000000.0, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, poissons_ratio: float = 0.3, melting_point: float = 1273, maxium_service_temp: float = 773, thermal_conductivity: float = 10, specific_heat: float = 1000, thermal_expansion: float = 1e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 1e-08, cost_per_kg: float = 1.0, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5)

Bases: Material, Material, Configuration

A class to hold physical properties of solid structural materials and act as both a section property material and a pynite material

property E: float
property G: float
property allowable_stress: float
color: float
cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
factor_of_saftey: float
hardness: float
in_shear_modulus: float
izod: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
property nu: float
poissons_ratio: float
property rho: float
property shear_modulus: float

Shear Modulus

specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
property ultimate_stress: float
property unique_id

Return arrays with the results of pyfunc broadcast (vectorized) over args and kwargs not in excluded.

yield_strength: float
property yield_stress: float
class ottermatics.eng.solid_materials.WetSoil(*, name: str = 'wet soil', color: float = _Nothing.NOTHING, in_shear_modulus: float | None = None, hardness: float = 10, izod: float = 100, factor_of_saftey: float = 1.5, density: float = 2080.0, elastic_modulus: float = 70300000000.0, yield_strength: float = 0.0, tensile_strength_ultimate: float = 0.0, poissons_ratio: float = 0.33, melting_point: float = 1823, maxium_service_temp: float = 1723, thermal_conductivity: float = 2.75, specific_heat: float = 1632, thermal_expansion: float = 1.641e-05, electrical_resistitivity: float = 940.0, cost_per_kg: float = 0.03444)

Bases: SolidMaterial

cost_per_kg: float
density: float
elastic_modulus: float
electrical_resistitivity: float
maxium_service_temp: float
melting_point: float
name: str
poissons_ratio: float
specific_heat: float
tensile_strength_ultimate: float
thermal_conductivity: float
thermal_expansion: float
yield_strength: float

ottermatics.eng.structure module

exception ottermatics.eng.structure.StopAnalysis

Bases: Exception

class ottermatics.eng.structure.Structure(*, name: str = 'default', default_material: SolidMaterial | None = None, add_gravity_force: bool = True, gravity_dir: str = 'FZ', gravity_mag: float = 9.81, gravity_scalar: float = -1, gravity_cases: list = ['gravity'], default_case: str = 'gravity', default_combo: str = 'gravity', current_combo: str = 'gravity', beams: ComponentDict = _Nothing.NOTHING)

Bases: System

A integration between sectionproperties and PyNite, with a focus on ease of use

Right now we just need an integration between Sections+Materials and Members, to find, CG, and inertial components

Possible Future Additions: 1) Structure Motion (free body ie vehicle , multi-strucutre ie robots)

property Fg

force of gravity

property INERTIA

Combines all the mass moments of inerita from the internal beams (and other future items!) into one for the sturcture with the parallel axis theorm

add_eng_material(material: SolidMaterial)
add_gravity_force: bool
add_member(name, node1, node2, section, material=None, **kwargs)
add_member_with(name, node1, node2, E, G, Iy, Ix, J, A, material_rho=0, **kwargs)

a way to add specific beam properties to calculate stress, This way will currently not caluclate resulatant beam load. #TOOD: Add in a mock section_properties for our own stress calcs

add_mesh(meshtype, *args, **kwargs)

maps to appropriate PyNite mesh generator but also applies loads

Currently these types are supported [‘rect’,’annulus’,’cylinder’,’triangle’]

beam_dataframe(univ_parms: dict | None = None)

creates a dataframe entry for each beam and combo :param univ_parms: keys represent the dataframe parm, and the values represent the lookup value

beams: ComponentDict
check_est_failures(*args, **kwargs) bool

exposes check_est_failures

check_failures(*args, **kwargs) bool

exposes check_failures

check_mesh_failures(combo, run_full=False, SF=1.0)

Returns the von-mises stress / allowable (failure fraction) stresses for each quad in each mesh. :param run_full: if false will exit early on first failure :returns: a dictinary of quad names and their failure fraction

property cog

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

costs() dict

return a dictionary of beam & quad costs

current_combo: str
default_case: str
default_combo: str
default_material: SolidMaterial
estimated_failures(concentrationFactor=10, methodFactor=2.5, fail_frac=0.9, combos: list | None = None) dict

uses the beam estimated stresses with specific adders to account for beam 2D stress concentrations and general inaccuracy as well as a fail_fraction to analyze. The estimated loads are very pessimistic with a 250x overestimate

failure_load_combos(report_info: dict, run_full=False, remote_sync=None, **kw)

returns or yields a set of load combo names to check failure for. You’re encouraged to override this for your specific cases :param report_info: the report that is generated in run_failure_analysis which will dynamically change with :yields: the combo name :returns: None when done

failure_load_exithandler(combo, res, report_info, run_full)

a callback that is passed the structural combo, the case results

Override this function to provide custom exit capability :param combo: the load combo analyzed :param res: the combo failure results :param report_info: the report dictionary :run_full: option to run everything

frame: FEModel3D = None

A property that updates a first time and then anytime time the input data changed, as signaled by attrs.on_setattr callback

gravity_cases: list
gravity_dir: str
gravity_mag: float
gravity_scalar: float

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

masses() dict

return a dictionary of beam & quad mass

property members
merge_displacement_results(combo, D)

adds a remotely calculated displacement vector and applies to nodes ala pynite convention

mesh_extents() dict

returns a dataframe of each quad, its x,y,z coords, vonmises stress and other mass/cost properties in a dataframe

property node_dataframes
property nodes

yours to override dataframe


yours to override to prep solver or dataframe


copies PyNite analysis pre-functions

property quad_info: dict

return a dictonary of quads with their mass properties like cog, mass, area and volume

run(combos: list | None = None, *args, **kwargs)

wrapper allowing saving of data by load combo

run_combo_failure_analysis(combo, run_full: bool = False, SF: float = 1.0, run_section_failure=None)

runs a single load combo and adds 2d section failures

run_failure_analysis(SF=1.0, run_full=False, **kwargs)

Failure Determination: Beam Stress Estiates are used to determine if a 2D FEA beam/combo analysis should be run. The maximum beam vonmises stress is compared the the beam material allowable stress / saftey factor.

Override: Depending on number of load cases, this analysis could take a while. Its encouraged to use a similar pattern of check and exit to reduce load combo size in an effort to fail early. Override this function if nessicary.

Case / Beam Ordering: runs the gravity case first and checks for failure to exit early, then all other combos are run :returns: a dictionary with 2D fea failures and estimated failures as well for each beam

run_failure_sections(failures, run_full: bool = False, SF: float = 1.0, fail_fast=True)

takes estimated failures and runs 2D section FEA on those cases

class ottermatics.eng.structure.StructureLog(name='')

Bases: LoggingMixin

ottermatics.eng.structure.calculate_quad_vonmises(quad, combo) dict

looks at 9 points over a quad to determine its von mises stresses :returns: a dictinary of

ottermatics.eng.structure.check_est_failures(failures: dict, top=True) bool

check if any failures exist in the nested dictonary and return True if there are

ottermatics.eng.structure.check_failures(failures: dict) bool

check if any failures exist in the nested dictonary and return True if there are

ottermatics.eng.structure.node_info(quad, material)
ottermatics.eng.structure.parallel_run_failure_analysis(struct, SF=1.0, run_full=False, **kw)

Failure Determination: Beam Stress Estiates are used to determine if a 2D FEA beam/combo analysis should be run. The maximum beam vonmises stress is compared the the beam material allowable stress / saftey factor.

Override: Depending on number of load cases, this analysis could take a while. Its encouraged to use a similar pattern of check and exit to reduce load combo size in an effort to fail early. Override this function if nessicary.

Case / Beam Ordering: runs the gravity case first and checks for failure to exit early, then all other combos are run :returns: a dictionary with 2D fea failures and esimated failures as well for each beam

ottermatics.eng.structure.quad_stress_tensor(quad, r=0, s=0, combo='gravity')

determines stresses from a plate or quad

ottermatics.eng.structure.remote_combo_failure_analysis(ref_structure, combo, run_full: bool = False, SF: float = 1.0)

runs a single load combo and adds 2d section failures

ottermatics.eng.structure.remote_failure_sections(sync, failures, run_full: bool = False, SF: float = 1.0, fail_fast=True, group_size=12)

takes estimated failures and runs 2D section FEA on those cases

ottermatics.eng.structure.run_combo_failure_analysis(inst, combo, run_full: bool = False, SF: float = 1.0)

runs a single load combo and adds 2d section failures

ottermatics.eng.structure.run_failure_sections(struct, failures, run_full: bool = False, SF: float = 1.0, fail_fast=True, group_size=12)

takes estimated failures and runs 2D section FEA on those cases


a generator to iterated through (beam,combo,x) as they return the highest fail_fraction for structures

ottermatics.tabulation module

Tabulation Module:

Incrementally records attrs input values and system_properties per save_data() call.

save_data() is called after item.evaluate() is called.

class ottermatics.tabulation.Ref(component, key, use_call=True)

Bases: object

A way to create portable references to system’s and their component’s properties, ref can also take a key to a zero argument function which will be evaluated

comp: TabulationMixin
key: str
use_call: bool
class ottermatics.tabulation.TableLog(name='')

Bases: LoggingMixin

class ottermatics.tabulation.TabulationMixin(*, name: str = 'default')

Bases: Configuration

In which we define a class that can enable tabulation

property TABLE

this should seem significant


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call

property anything_changed

use the on_setattr method to determine if anything changed, also assume that stat_tab could change without input changes


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call


A property that updates a first time and then anytime time the input data changed, as signaled by attrs.on_setattr callback


A property that updates a first time and then anytime time the input data changed, as signaled by attrs.on_setattr callback

classmethod classmethod_system_properties()

Combine other classes table properties into this one, in the case of subclassed system_properties

classmethod cls_all_attrs_fields()
classmethod cls_all_property_keys()
classmethod cls_all_property_labels()
property data_dict

this is what is captured and used in each row of the dataframe / table


A property that updates a first time and then anytime time the input data changed, as signaled by attrs.on_setattr callback

format_label_attr(k, attr_prop)
index = 0

A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call

classmethod locate(key, fail=True) type

the class or attribute by key if its in this system class or a subcomponent. If nothing is found raise an error

locate_ref(key, fail=True)

the instance assigned to this system. If the key has a . in it the comp the lowest level component will be returned

classmethod pre_compile()

Resets the table, and attrs label stores

save_data(index=None, saved=None, force=False, subforce=False, save_internal=False)

We’ll save data for this object and any other internal configuration if anything changed or if the table is empty This should result in at least one row of data, or minimal number of rows to track changes This should capture all changes but save data


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call

skip_parms = None
property system_id: str

returns an instance unique id based on id(self)


A property that updates a first time and then anytime time the input data changed, as signaled by attrs.on_setattr callback


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call


A property that caches a result to an instance the first call then returns that each successive call

property table

alias for TABLE


A property that updates a first time and then anytime time the input data changed, as signaled by attrs.on_setattr callback

ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics module

class ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics.SimpleCompressor(*, name='Compressor', pressure_ratio, Tin, mdot, Cp, gamma=1.4, efficiency=0.75)

Bases: Component


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

name: str

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

class ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics.SimpleHeatExchanger(*, name='HeatExchanger', Thi, mdot_h, Cp_h, Tci, mdot_c, Cp_c, efficiency=0.8)

Bases: Component


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

name: str
class ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics.SimplePump(*, name='pump', MFin, pressure_ratio, Tin=293, Pin=101325.0, efficiency=0.75, fluid=_Nothing.NOTHING)

Bases: Component


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

name: str

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

class ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics.SimpleTurbine(*, name='Turbine', Pout, Pin, Tin, mdot, Cp, gamma=1.4, efficiency=0.8)

Bases: Component


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

name: str

this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:


this property notifies the system this is a property to be tabulated in the dataframe output.

@system_property def function(…): < this uses __init__ to assign function

@system_property(desc=’really nice’,label=’funky function’) def function(…): < this uses __call__ to assign function

When the underlying data has some random element, set stochastic=True and this will flag the component to always save data.

Functions wrapped with table type must have an return annotion of (int,float,str)… ex def func() -> int:

ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics.dp_he_core(G, f, L, rho, Dh)

Losses due to friction :param f: fanning friction factor :param G: mass flux (massflow / Area) :param L: length of heat exchanger :param rho: intermediate density :param Dh: diameter of heat exchanger

ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics.dp_he_entrance(sigma, G, rho)

Heat Exchanger Entrance Pressure Loss :param sigma: contraction-ratio - ratio of minimum flow area to frontal area :param G: mass flux of fluid :param rho: density of fluid

ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics.dp_he_exit(sigma, G, rho)

Heat Exchanger Exit Pressure Loss :param sigma: contraction-ratio - ratio of minimum flow area to frontal area :param G: mass flux of fluid :param rho: density of fluid

ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics.dp_he_gas_losses(G, rhoe, rhoi)

Measures the pressure loss or gain due to density changes in the HE :param G: mass flux :param rhoe: exit density :param rhoi: entrance density

ottermatics.eng.thermodynamics.fanning_friction_factor(Re, method='turbulent')

Module contents